Saturday, May 26, 2007


Life is a blast.

*(think firehose!)

Sometimes things hit you just right and you're caught off guard. Othertimes you've had more sleep you can catch those around you whom life has caught off guard. In either case, maintaining balance is good. :-)

Balance your life with books. Reading is instrumental in a life less petty.
Balance your life with sleep. Sleep is necessary in a life less boring.
Balance your life with family. Family is necessary in a life lived worthily.


Yesterday a customer's car didn't start. She was loaded down with soil and plants, and the stearing wheel was stuck and the car wouldn't start. Kindly gentlemen each took a turn pulling on the stearing wheel and trying the key, but to no avail. She finally called her husband, but even after detailed instructions she was still stranded. So I took her home (about two minutes away) and brought her husband back. He started the car and drove away.
How do they do that? Guys seem to know everything about cars; how to work them, drive them, fix them, even down to what part of the engine is making that sound. I have no idea what they are talking about sometimes! But I'm so thankful for the men who fix my car. We take all our family cars to a local automachanic/pastor. He is so generous with his time and with our money. We like giving him our money when our car breaks down

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