Monday, August 27, 2007

Rime and Reason

Rime and Reason is a group of (on average) 14 college aged folks who read books which they assign themselves and meet once a month to discuss what they read.

We've read so many titles over the past 2 years includding, but not limited to Comas, Til We Have Faces, The Song of Roland, Mansfield Park, Twelfth Night, Descent into Hell, and more!

It's been a great group to be involved in. Well, for one I got to know Jesse through this group. Two, it's been encouraging to be involved with these peoples lives. We've encouraged each other in our work, studies, relationships, etc. One family went through an adoption process while our crazy group met in their home. They are a gracious family and a blessing to us all. I don't know how we can ever repay them for their kindness and goodness to us poor college students. Other students have plunged through papers, overwhelming work loads, a legendary sophmoric year, and more. My sister, cousin, roomate and I have grown closer through being involved with this group.

Check out my other blog, Four Things, for a poem that I read at our first meeting of this year. We read a Chesteron poem from an ancient book that the group owns as a whole at each meeting. I was asked to read the poetry this time - it was an honor. And I hadn't been asked before.

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