This chair , which was a dumpster dive find, has needed some help ever since the seat detached itself from the frame. Well, a small guest nearly fell through it and I knew I couldn't procrastinate any longer.
$4 matte cream spray paint from Michaels made the first transformation.
I stapled the fabric around the chair seat, pulling it tight and trying not to ripple it too much. Next time I need to add more filling to the cushion since it is rather flattened from so much sitting. Since I had cut the fabric so short I taped down all the edges with duct tape.
I eye balled where I wanted the piping to go and I stapled it in place. This was tricky since the staple gun was heavy duty and the piping was not so heavy, nor duty. A little overkill, I think. But I got the staple gun from my parents, may they live forever, after I borrowed my Dad's so many times in a row. I was bound and determined to staple something in honor of them even if it was over kill.
Here is a shot of the fabric, piping and chair frame. I think the piping makes it looks that much more professional - or at least to me.
Finished computer chair! I love the look of the cream and blue!
Great job, Kate. It is beautiful. I can't wait to see it in person.
It looks beautiful, Kate! I like that it wasn't so heavy, nor duty, lol! Way to go!
Nice chair job, Kate! Love the instructions too - so inspiring!
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